The Site Ads content type is used power in-house style ads on program page templates and on the homepage. It includes an image, header, description and CTA.
In terms of look and feel, in house ads are very similar to wide width single feature tease seen here. However they’re powered by their own content type to allow you to be able to use similar messaging across multiple pages and manage that messaging in a central location.
You can have as many site ads as you want, and you assign them to a program page or the homepage by editing that individual page. That said, you may want to use the same ad across every graduate program page. And when you decide to change up the ad language, you edit it via the site ad content type just once and the change happens across every page the ad appears on. It’s also very easy to create a custom ad, say for a webinar about the sustainability master’s program, ad it to that page, and replace it with the standard one once the event has passed.
See an example of the site ad on the Extension program page template here. Look for the heading “Learning and Connection”